Frequently asked questions
What are "Siren Stories"?
"Siren Stories" is a unique storytelling series created by Andromeda Siren which is based on her real life and told in a graphic novel and animated style.
When will "Siren Stories" be published?
"Siren Stories" by Andromeda Siren is in the outline stage as of 11/28/2024. The books will release out of order starting in the middle, telling the story to current day and then go back to the very beginning. Current Goal for the first publication is July 2025.
Is the series planned for Animation?
Andromeda Siren is currently learning various Animation techniques and plans to use her blogs to practice animating short stories. "Siren Stories" books are planned to become Animated Stories after at least 3 Graphic Novel books have been published.
How long is each story?
Animated versions of "Siren Stories" will vary. As the books are still in production, their official length has not yet been determined.
What certifications does Andromeda Siren have?
Andromeda Siren is currently working towards becoming a Peer Support Specialist for PTSD & Trauma. She has taken many educational courses and obtained various certifications.
- Certified Family Trauma Profesional -CFTP (Udemy Course)
- Professional PTSD Counseling Diploma (Fully Accredited Udemy Course)
- Healing Family and Relationship Trauma Certification (Udemy Course)
NATIONAL ADVOCATE CREDENTIALING PROGRAM (Victims Advocacy Training Certifications):
- VAT Victims' Rights
- VAT Victim Compensation
- VAT Types of Victim Services
- VAT Tribal Justice System
- VAT Trauma Informed Care
- VAT Sexual Assault
- VAT Self-Care
- VAT Military Justice System LVL 1
- VAT Ethics
- VAT Criminal Justice System
- VAT Confidentiality
- VAT Basic Communication Skills
- VAT Advocacy
- VAT Trafficking